Kitchen Canopy Duct & Fan Cleaning

Why Clean?

There are a number of reasons why Kitchen Canopy Duct and Fan Systems should be cleaned:

  • Prevent fires – A build-up of grease in your duct system highly increases the risk of having a kitchen fire. If a fire does occur the grease in the duct will also aid the spread of the fire, possibly causing greater damage to the kitchen.
  • Insurance – It is also an insurance requirement to have duct systems regularly cleaned. In the case of a fire, insurance may withhold payment if the ducts have not been cleaned.
  • Hygienic work environment – It is important to keep duct systems clean to meet hygiene standards


The frequency for cleaning your Kitchen Canopy and Duct, depends on the intensity & frequency of use. This can vary from every 3 months for heavy use to annually for light use.

What We Provide

We provide free consultation and quote. We will first examine the Canopy Duct and Fan System to establish the extent of cleaning required. We will also determine the best way to access the ducts and the most appropriate time to carry out the work.

We will clean the:

  • Canopies
  • Ducts
  • Fans
  • Vents

We will also provide a Cleaning Certificate after completing the work, along with before and after pictures. We can also provide a video if you request.

All our work is completed to the HVCA’s TR/19 best practice guidelines.